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›› ★Alice misA Mother's Day摯愛母親節快樂 (622)

›› ★龍年新春賀圖-New Year greetings for the Year of the Dragon-Hoelex (2391)

›› <Year of the Dragon 2024: 七星匯聚神龍現> (2227)

›› 車銀優-digitalart (601)

›› ★天相婧雅 X 浩理斯 獨家限量封神IP紫微牌卡 (2941)

›› ★【心夢二等身Q版-《小美人魚The Little Mermaid:愛麗兒Ariel》】 (1055)

›› ★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-母親節快樂「Ina ma ma親一下」Happy Mother's Day (469)

›› 林愉軒創作個展【在疫情中被放逐的日子】 Lin Yu-Hsuan Solo Exhibition : In days of exile being in the pandemic (4418)

›› <Year of the Rabbit 2023: 兔飛猛進創佳績> (471)

›› ★【心夢二等身Q版-《阿達一族The Addams Family》】星期三Wednesday(場景篇) (1314)

›› ★【心夢二等身Q版-《阿達一族The Addams Family》】星期三Wednesday (1540)

›› ★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-賽德克族Seediq的父親節快樂happy father's day (1888)

›› ★【神奇守護幻獸-Magical Guardian Eudemons】-普賢菩薩-六牙白象six-toothed whi (1339)

›› 虎年 Year of the Tiger 2022 (1813)

›› <Year of the Tiger 2022: 臥虎蓄勢迎壬寅> (921)

›› 杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory (5262)

›› ★ Alice misA -心夢DODO ZOO舞台劇場Stage theater (811)

›› Who is the fattest king? (705)

›› The world needs fat (717)

›› fly me to the moon (642)

›› leon the professional (884)

›› <Year of the Ox 2021: 牛轉乾坤行大運> (821)

›› 109資訊月-Sync the Future-台北世貿一館 BCD區 (1674)

›› 奇美博物館「節儉的一餐」"Two Women Eating Dinner Together" 典藏框畫 目前有版權問題,無法複製出版 (5091)


›› 2020 happy fathers day 停泊棧 (995)

›› 2020 happy fathers day 早療協會 (1014)

›› 2020 happy fathers day 天使心 基金會 (959)

›› 「豹」的英文:Cheetah vs. Leopard vs. Jaguar vs. Panther (76357)

›› ★となりの台湾フレンズFather's Day (899)

›› ★【HOELEX CG動漫插畫】-母親節快樂 Happy Mothers' Day (1010)

›› ★sixfanartschallenge一起來玩藝術插畫家們的跟風潮【心目中的經典女神】 (1103)

›› "Further vs Farther": 代表「抽象程度差異」vs 代表「實際距離差異」 (4873)

›› ★【心夢二等身Q版-《綠野仙蹤The Wonderful Wizard of Oz》桃樂絲(Dorothy)】 (1249)

›› The Tower. (1203)

›› 原創作品‧【Princess & The Dragon】──鉛筆 (634)

›› <Year of the Rat 2020: 鼠穎描春成畫稿> (1461)

›› ★【神奇守護幻獸-Magical Guardian Eudemons】年獸-The Monster Nian-hoele (1633)

›› "You stop telling lies about me, I'll stop telling the truth about you" (4101)

›› ★「Alice misA心夢任務」潮流品牌公仔設計款-Summer The World of flowers 夏花淨土 (921)

›› ★【Transformers變形金剛-英國-哈利波特Harry Potter-騎士公車The Knight Bus (1128)

›› The Voracity (727)

›› The Face (811)

›› AmisA wishes the brand artist hoelex happy birthday5-13 (1213)

›› 吉卜力動畫手稿展-插畫二創繪 By Hoelex浩理斯 【《回憶中的瑪妮》(思い出のマーニー】 (1425)

›› The Wizard of Oz 奧茲魔女桃樂絲 (884)

›› I AM THE APPLE (908)

›› 插畫繪本風-飛船馬戲團彩虹雙仙子Rainbow the Tooth Fairy-hoelex (1708)

›› <Year of the Pig 2019: 諸事大吉萬象新> (1236)

›› 亞洲插畫協會 X 華納慈善義賣記者會THE GET ANIMATED INVASION-火星人瑪文-翻玩特展 (1676)

›› Under the Starry Night (1643)

›› Under the Starry Night (965)

›› Under the Starry Night (1215)

›› Under the Starry Night (907)

›› Under the Starry Night (923)

›› "Darling in the franxx比翼鳥" (1609)

›› 《寶石之國Land of the Lustrous 》鑽石Diamond By hoelex浩理斯 (1585)

›› 《寶石之國Land of the Lustrous 》南極石Antarcticite By hoelex浩理斯 (5611)

›› Under the Starry Night (17503)

›› 「我說了算」的英文「I have the final say」 (final word/final decision) (6377)

›› DARLING in the FRANXX」CODE:002+016-二等身Q版繪製 (2866)

›› DARLING in the FRANXX」016HIRO-二等身Q版繪製 (1520)

›› DARLING in the FRANXX」CODE:002-二等身Q版繪製 (2049)

›› DARLING in the FRANXX」CODE:002-二等身Q版繪製 (50)

›› The Painter and her afternoon break (1069)

›› DARLING in the FRANXX:002 (1216)

›› DARLINGintheFRANXX (1148)

›› 2018交大藝趣節-AI (Authentic Identity) 交大藝趣節 (1534)

›› The reading girl (1133)

›› <Year of the Dog 2018: 犬吠戊戌迎新春> (1684)

›› Heading for the Future T-shirt (1257)

›› THEDYEAR (1954)

›› Into The Forest (976)

›› State the Nature of your Emergency (James Kirk) (1109)

›› The Muny 群星紙娃娃:聖路易市劇場明星紙娃娃 (5113)

›› Daphne, the jellyfish protector (1068)

›› 異世之名前傳-世界樹的守護者Other World of Reason (1000)

›› 原創情景圖7 序章-隱藏 (5249)

›› 原創情景圖6 序章-集合 (5028)

›› 原創情景圖5 序章-墮落 (1055)

›› 原創情景圖4 序章-相遇 (1046)

›› 原創情景圖3 序章-委託 (906)

›› 原創情景圖2 序章-準備 (854)

›› 原創情景圖1 序章-啟程 (910)

›› 異世之名 原創人物合集 (837)

›› 原創人物- Miya (814)

›› 原創人物- Samurai (1091)

›› 原創人物-Aberusu (808)

›› 原創人物-SAIDO (1206)

›› 原創人物- SAKI (1220)

›› I love my Dad (2017) (1830)

›› Crash Fever-降龍羅漢轉世-濟公活佛 (6544)

›› The Mummy - Amanet (1219)

›› IN THE RAIN (822)

›› 英文 "The birds and the bees" 中文意思隱喻講法之解釋與由來 (7014)

›› 台南兒童科學館:帕克‧奇遇特展 The Adventures of Park 2017/Apr ~ 2019/Apr (1764)

›› year of the Rooster (801)

›› <Year of the Rooster 2017: 金雞獨立賀新春> (1349)

›› gits ghost in the shell copic mucha (904)

›› the f o b s the f o b s (795)

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